Friday, December 5, 2014

RSTV : Sarokar : Discussion on Supreme court ruling : B S Vohra

Right to Information ( RTI ) : B S Vohra on India News

Former CAG Mr Vinod Rai : Headlines Today : B S Vohra

Promo : AAJTAK : Delhi Ke Dil Mein Kya Hai : B S Vohra

Delhi Jal Board Audit RTI on Delhi Aajtak : B S Vohra

Zee News : Power outages issue : B S Vohra in Panel discussion

Nissan Safety Driving Forum !

Do you really think, we have any kind of safety on our roads in India. You may be a perfect driver but what’s about those who pay bribe to get a driving license ? 

Just check any of the drivers of trucks & other commercial vehicles on the road and most of those will be absolutely unfamiliar to the prescribed rules & regulations. And when drunk, there are a real nightmare on the roads.

Yeah ! it happened with a friend of mine. He was a reporter at a famous news channel. He used to move on his bike to shoot various news stories. We used to talk a dozen times daily. Even on that fateful day, we spoke just half an hour ago. Around 11 am, i got a call from another reporter of the channel. He asked me, Vohra saab, do you know about Ravi ji. I was just surprised and asked him, "what has happened". The reply was that he has met with an accident. It was shocking for me. I asked, "how is he now". The answer was, "he is no more".

OMG ! What a shock. I was trembling. It was a great jolt. I was shivering. I just took my car & rushed to the hospital & there he was, lying in a corner, on his death bed, packed in a white bag. Later the investigating officer informed us that he was hit by a Tempo traveller. It was really shocking.

But it does not mean, that we, the white colored persons don’t do mistakes. In anxiety, anger or when in joyous mood, we drive recklessly. Moreover, we give bikes to our teenagers who just wanna fly and these kids often give the biggest shock to the parents.

Ofcourse, road safety & etiquette is the responsibility of every driver, but we are not being taught about it. Instead we are being taught that we can pay bribe to get a license. We can pay bribe to skip a challan. We can pay bribe to get a vehicle passed. Than how & why, we will follow the rules on the road. It's a common saying that Rules are made so that these could be broken. If we could understand & remember the NSDF concept, "Safety begins with me", it can safe hundreds of lives on road every year.

The Nissan Motor Co. Ltd, through it's Nissan Safety Driving Forum ( NSDF ) wants to change the mindset of the masses. Under its Blue Citizenship CSR umbrella, NSDF is generating awareness in various cities of India for safe driving on roads as well to wear seat belts. Please click this link to know more about NSDF.


If Nissan, out of its Corporate Social Responsibility, could make a check on the licensing system prevailing in the country, it will be a boom for the road safety. It must come forward to check, that no license is issued against bribes or illegally. There must be real tests, stricter tests  and none, even with slightest default, could passthrough. It will save the lives of thousands of persons in the coming years.

Moreover, drunken driving must lead to permanent cancellation of a Driving license or atleast barred for 5 years so that one could self restrain from doing a drunken driving. 

Helmets are mandatory but we can view hundreds everyday without wearing it. Those without a helmet must be barred from driving a scooter or bike for atleast one year & from next day onwards, we won't find even a single person on the road without a helmet. Similarly, sub standard helmets must be banned.

Red light crossing, Tripple riding & non lane driving must get the same punishment i.e. barred from driving a vehicle for 12 months.

The Green Tribunal has banned the vehicles that are older than 15 years. This ban must be strictly followed. 

Moreover, the pollution certification must be strictly regulated. Even in Delhi, one can get a PUC certificate without getting the vehicle checked.

Nissan can also join hands with Bloggers, RWAs & NGOs to spread awareness on road safety.

And the last but not least, in case we find an accident victim on the road & if we take him / her to the hospital, there must not be any police enquiry & the Doctors must treat the victim immediately without any IF's & But's. In case they don't have the capability to treat, they must provide adequate first aid & provide ambulance for immediate shifting of the accident victim under medical supervision.

Pics with thanks from Nissan. Thanks Indiblogger.